2024-25 Incoming Town Hall Officers
President: Jeff Massad
President Elect: Paula Settle
First Vice-President: Bonnie King
2nd Vice-President : Molly Wehrenberg
Secretary: Janice Dobbs
Treasurer: John Schaefer
Parliamentarian: Carol Kaspereit
Board of Directors
Deloris Bradford
Carleen Burger
Pam Campbell
Janice Dobbs
Dawn Hopkins
Carol Kaspereit
Don Kaspereit
Joe Kernke
Bonnie King
C. Farrell Lewis
Robbie Litsch
Jeff Massad
George McDowell
Dr. Earl Miller
Jennie Penner
Bryan Petty
Bill Price
Catherine Quinlan
Jack Ransom
John Schaefer
Paula Settle
Dr. Richard Smith
Jeanne Anne Van Horn
Dr. Roland Walters
Alan Webb
Molly Wehrenberg
Thanks to our Corporate Sponsors
